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Product code : V1003


Price : INR6.00 INR4.00



About the Product 

Mint leaves are delicate spices with delicate stems and have an unmistakable lovely smell, satisfying taste, cool after-sensation and restorative characteristics. 

They are best utilized crude or added toward the finish of cooking to keep up their fragile flavor and surface. 

Capacity and UseS 

Wrap the mint leaves delicately in a hosed paper towel or spot the mint in a plastic pack, not fixing as far as possible so that air can circle. Try not to wrap firmly; caught dampness will make the spices form. Trim the closures and spot in a glass loaded up with water. 

Use it as an enhancing specialist in curries, biryani and different arrangements. It tends to be newly blended with tea to make 'Pudina Chai'. A scramble of mint can add zing and shading to juices and beverages particularly lemonades and mocktails. 


Mint is a solution for oversee sicknesses identified with the stomach related lot, oral, respiratory and skin issues, for example, skin inflammation, creepy crawly nibbles and consumes. 

It is found to reduce headache torments, minor throbs, muscle injuries and issues.