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Coriander Leaves/Dhania

Product code : V1002


Price : INR10.00 INR7.00


Select Size

250 GRAM 100 GRAM


About the Product 

Coriander leaves are green, delicate with an enhancing appearance. They contain insignificant smell and have a fiery sweet taste. Presently try not to sit around removing the roots as we esteem your cash and time and give you the freshest verdant consumable parts. 

Capacity and Uses 

We convey coriander leaves in the best clean bundles which you can straightforwardly store in your fridge. 

Utilized in curries, pickles, chutneys and for embellishing soups, rice, and so forth Sprinkle the leaves over new plates of mixed greens. 


Coriander leaves battle food contamination and lower glucose levels. They calm urinary parcel contaminations and help in keeping up a sound feminine cycle while forestalling neurological irritations and sicknesses.